Moulded fibre combined with a robust product design offers a protective strength far superior to plastic.
Premium Egg Packaging
- Large advertising space
- Excellent stackability and fewer refills
- Reduced storage requirements
Effective Protection and Saleability
Effective protection facilitates on OTIF deliveries while attractive POS branding and messaging mean fast-moving sales.
Sustainable Materials
Hartmann’s FSC®-certified moulded fibre packaging is made from recycled paper. The packaging itself can be recycled and reused and is also biodegradable in industrial composting plants for easy disposal after use.
Smooth and Efficient Egg Packing
Excellent shapes with good handling properties mean efficient stacking, high machine runability and low storage requirement.
Consumer Preference
Consumers prefer environmentally friendly packaging that is FSC®-certified and carbon neutral as well as packaging that keeps contents dry by absorbing humidity.
Premium Egg Packaging
The "Original"
Get more, waste less
When Tradition Counts
The Traditional Egg Carton
It's showtime!
When Numbers Count and Space Matters
Trays for fresh food
Use the egg carton product finder to see which Hartmann packaging solutions best fit your products and brands. Simply select an egg size and the number of eggs per carton or tray.
Maximum Runability
Packaging that is expressly designed for runability and storage logistics enables maximum uptime, maximum throughput, minimum costs and on-time in-full (OTIF) delivery.
Maximum Protection
Robust packaging designed to prevent or minimise breakages enables complete delivery, maximum revenue and full customer satisfaction.
Maximum Consumer Attractiveness
Attractive packaging that is aligned with the brand and consumer preference means higher sales and higher margins.
Faster Sales Turnover
Effective sales tools as well as knowledge support build customer confidence and ensure the right packaging for producers’ products.
Advice and Guidance Based on Facts
Data on local and regional market egg consumption combined with consumer insights provide a strong platform for customer guidance and business efficiency via procurement planning.
Customer Loyalty
Wholesalers value professional advice and support from Hartmann, which helps them streamline their business, increase egg packaging sales and maximise margins.
High Private Label Performance
The right egg carton design for the right product based on documented market data and consumer insights maximises saleability of private label products.
All-Round POS Performance
Documented regional and national consumer preferences for particular products enables procurement and shelf management that maximise sales revenues and margins.
The Right Packaging for Each Particular Product
Using Hartmann’s design tool enables you to visualise a given egg carton type using numerous graphic designs and colours, providing print-ready design data for the printer.