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Our Governance Responsibility

Being credible, responsible, and accurate guides us in our ethical behaviour.


At Hartmann our work is guided by being credible, responsible, and accurate.

We are committed to long-term sustainability in our activities and practices and act with transparency. We empower our employees to make good decisions and act with a sense of responsibility regarding our impact.

Code of Conduct

With our Code of Conduct we want to make ethical behaviour a natural part of our interaction with each other, our customers and suppliers, as well as the communities, where we have operations. The Code of Conduct ensures compliance with our standards throughout the value chain.

We strongly focus on business and data ethics, and we handle data responsibly based on honesty, transparency, and accountability.


In Hartmann all payments must be conducted in a responsible way. Payments can never involve corruption, bribery, money laundering or unauthorised political donations. Corruption or bribery will not be tolerated. To secure this standard we operate with a Code of Conduct to ensure anti-corruption governance across all our business units.

We are a compliant and accountable taxpayer with responsible and transparent tax practices.

Values, Guidelines and Policies

You can also download the PDF documents that guide everything we do and are to be applied at all times.

Anti Bribery & Corruption

Zero tolerance – we do not allow our employees, agents, intermediaries, consultants, distributors, sub-contractors and suppliers are forbidden to offer or receive any sort of bribe or corrupt payment.

Social Responsibility

As our business affects the local community and the wider environment, it is our duty to be a good neighbor, a good employer and a responsible consumer of resources.

Code of Conduct

Ethical behavior is fundamental in our interaction with the communities, where we operate, and we demand that our suppliers and vendors act with the same integrity and care as we do.


We insist that our managers keep an open mind when recruiting and promoting staff, to build a diverse workforce, treated equally regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexuality, professional background and age.


You can read or download our data ethics policy here.

Whistleblower Service

Integrity and compliance with applicable laws are of utmost importance to us. In 2018 we launched our whistleblower service for our employees and in 2022 we made it available for external stakeholders. This provides a voluntary alternative to the ordinary routes of communication.

Click here to find the whistleblower service.