Hartmann Hungary wins 2024 HR Oscar for innovative wellbeing strategy
Introduces revolutionary sustainable packaging solutions at EMPACK in Birmingham
Effective January 1, 2025, Brødrene Hartmann A/S will officially change its name to Hartmann Packaging A/S
EDEKA Gut & Günstig
Halloween special label promotion
Why Hartmann shares the company’s Product Carbon Footprint figures (PCF)
Hornbrooker hof’s 2024 rebrand elevates heritage and sustainability
How Hartmann helps MPS to shape the future of egg production and packaging
Together with our German customer Eierhof Hennes Hartmann made this innovative packaging ready for the market.
Together with the American Egg Farmers (AEF) Hartmann sponsored the event in 2024
The environmental and creative side of industrial innovation
Attractive colours can really boost your egg sales
A unique, revolutionary design
How packaging turns to gold for Noble Food's speciality free-range eggs
We've had our science-based emission targets approved
Löwendorfer Geflügelhof teams up with ice hockey team Eisbären Berlin
How the new competency centre in Kolding, Denmark, aims to achieve our ambitious sustainability targets
Hartmann pack gives free range to hen-friendly Swiss egg brand
How APF changed the game in egg marketing
The first carbon neutral eggs in the U.S. hit the shelves in Hartmann packaging
MyAsset becomes MyArtworks
Enhancing sustainability efforts in an extraordinarily challenging year
Saving the planet with a little help from our feathered friends
Delicious eggs, irresistible packaging
A kingdom of free range eggs in Europe
Two sisters are the pioneers of the brother hen concept
Improved colours in our PlusPack™ assortment
Hartmann’s creative team has developed together with our customer Columbus Frischei a very new egg product concept for Germanys well-known retailer ALDI.
Hartmann’s Hungarian subsidiary is now the world’s largest egg packaging production plant by volume
20 years of helping a Canadian customer achieve all-round sustainability
A 10-year programme with the goal of doubling global egg consumption.
Two companies working in harmony on your production line.
Discover the new labelling machine.
You’re going to love this story about five generations of women living on their family farm.
How mobile henhouses drive more sustainable farming, and how our packaging drove their egg sales.
How we built emotional appeal into an 18-egg pack designed for big households.
How retailer REWE says "nein! zum Kükentöten" (no! to chick culling) on a new designed carton for their private label of barn eggs.
French brand Matines puts all its eggs in one basket.
How eggs from German egg producer Hof Kipp are standing out on supermarket shelves.
How Hartmann helped the US American Vital Farms achieve their sustainable packaging goals.
How Hartmann helped a small organic egg brand reach for the stars.
How Hartmann Hungary grew a small provincial factory into a major player.
Cocorette becomes the first national brand in France to end chick killing.