The "Erzeugergemeinschaft Fürstenhof" is a community of 19 organic family farms in the North Eastern region of Germany. Ten years ago, the egg brand "haehnlein" was launched here – along with the chick rescue campaign. Since 2012, they’ve been raising male chicks to maturity, and the "Erzeugergemeinschaft Fürstenhof" way of doing things has successfully influenced a rethink in politics, the industry and among many consumers.
Behind the scenes, we find Leonie and Annalina Behrens, two sisters who are now vigorously promoting their heartfelt project in their anniversary year. "At first, people thought we were a bit mad, but the response of our customers has proved that this is the way forward," says Leonie Behrens, co-initiator of the haehnlein concept. "As pioneers, we’ve also paved the way for similar brother hen concepts."
The “haehnlein” range naturally includes organic eggs, as well as various meat products from brother hens, including fresh and frozen legs, fillets and wings; a salami snack; bratwursts; jars of Bolognese sauce and frozen convenience products sold in food retail and natural food stores.
Leonie Behrens, co-initiator of the haehnlein concept
Haehnlein peel-off-label
Annalina Behrens, co-initiator of the haehnlein concept
On the 10th anniversary, they’ve come up with quite a few ideas. For example, the eggs are marketed as a special edition, so our simple and practical Hartmann 6-pack imagic²® egg carton - with its maximized advertising space – is absolutely perfect. A peel-off label carries additional information on the reverse of the label. And there’s loads of free space for transparent reporting on the raising of the brother hens and other sustainable farming info. Available in 6 different versions, 10th anniversary packaging carries so much information that no question remains unanswered. Any questions?
"At haehnlein we’ve been raising male chicks since 2013. At first, people thought we were a bit mad, but the response of our customers has proved that this is the way forward. As pioneers, we’ve also paved the way for similar brother hen concepts. We’ve been delighted to receive so much encouragement from our customers – as well as increasing interest from many consumers in products with high animal welfare standards. Through our social media channels, such as Facebook and Instagram, we show how we farm in a transparent and forward-looking way."
Leonie & Annalina Behrens, co-initiator of the haehnlein concept