Effective January 1, 2025, Brødrene Hartmann A/S will officially change its name to Hartmann Packaging A/S. Our recent delisting from the stock exchange and Thornico’s acquisition of all company shares mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter.
Founded in 1917 by the Hartmann brothers, our company has navigated over a century of change, remaining true to our core values and focus on moulded fibre. The decision to rename the company is therefore made with deep respect for the founders' entrepreneurial spirit, and the new company name pays tribute to this legacy while signaling our future supported by a very committed sole shareholder.
While our logo and brand identity will remain unchanged, we understand that many of our employees, customers, and suppliers may continue to refer to us as "Hartmann", and we welcome this familiar shorthand in the future.
Best regards
Torben Rosenkrantz-Theil, CEO
Improved colours in our PlusPack™ assortment
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